Friday, September 30, 2005
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The villagers of Cotlette rejoice! Supplies have arrived and construction has started for the 1st school in Cotlette, Haiti. Cotlette is located in the northeast area of Haiti in St. Suzanne parish in Fort Liberte Diocese. This diocese is one of the poorest area in Haiti.
Thanks to the donations recieved, construction has begun on the elementary school in Cotlette. This project is creating jobs and creating hope for the villagers in Cotlette. Thanks to all of you for your support.
Support is needed to complete this project. All donations are greatly appreciated. All donations are tax deductable. HBHH is a 501(c)(3) corporation.

Tampa Reception held September 7th, with Bishop Chibly from the Diocese of Fort Liberte.
Many supporters welcomed Bishop Chibly from Fort Liberte Diocese in Haiti. Everyone was impressed with Bishop Chibly's vision for his diocese and his faith and humility. It was a privilege to have the time to get to know him and hear about his country.

Sunday, September 04, 2005
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Tampa Open House for Bishop Chibly Langlois

Bishop Chibly Langlois, of the Diocese of Forte Liberte, Haiti, is coming to Tampa to meet and thank all of the HBHH supporters that have supported the people of his diocese with their prayers, skills and financial gifts.
Please come to meet Bishop Chibly and hear both his heartfelt thanks and also learn more about the people of his diocese.
As you can see in this photograph taken by Patricia on her recent trip to Forte Liberte, children are a source of joy to the Bishop.
The reception will be held on Wednesday, Sept 7th, just off of Westshore Blvd from 7 - 8:30 PM. For directions, contact us at