Friday, November 18, 2005

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Radio Soleil in Haiti needs help staying on air.

Fr. Jean Desinord on air in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Radio Soleil is the diocese radio station broadcasting from the capitol city in Haiti. It brings spiritual, health and education information to the people. Electricity is very sparatic, only a few hours a day, usally during the late hours. Radio is the main source of information.

Radio Soleil needs many things to stay on air. All recordings are done with a generator because of the power shortage. Fuel is very expensive and funding for this fuel is always an issue. Recently, Radio Soleil had to cut back hours because they could not afford the fuel needed.

Your help is needed to keep this station on air. Please help Fr. Jean keep Radio Soleil on air. Posted by Picasa

Hundreds of children's desk donated to HBHH

Hillsborough County School System has generously donated hundreds of childrens desks and other supplies from their surplus and obsolite school furnishings. These desk and furnishings will be used in the new school, Christ the King - Cotelette, located in St. Suzanne Parish in Haiti.

We will be collecting school supplies and other needed items to fill up the container we will send to Haiti in February. God has truly been generous and has opened the doors we needed to make this new school a reality for those who were unable to attend school before. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 05, 2005

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Medical Mission Planned Summer of 2006

HBHH has started the planning of the first Medical Mission in St. Suzanne, Haiti. Dr. Madelyn Butler, speaker of the Florida Medical Association will lead the team. Dr. Digennaro from S. Florida will be an important part of the team bringing a wealth of Medical Mission experience. He has done numerous medical missions in Haiti.

The Medical Mission will be June 24th- July 1st, 2006. We are very excited to bring this mission to the people of Haiti. Dr. Butler is currently asking for donations of medical supplies to make this trip a success.

If you'd like to help, please click on the donate button or contact us for more information.