Container 5 leaves for Haiti!
French Missionary priest, Fr. Bernard, along with Jesuit Key Club members and other volunteers help load the 5th container for Haiti on February 19, 2007.
This container was filled with over $135,000 worth of food, medicine, clothes, bikes and other items needed in Haiti.
We are now working on colleting items for our 6th container that will leave at the end of March.
Items needed:
Tools-all types
Ladders, scaffoling material
Gutters and supplies
Large water containers
Garden tools and containers
Painting supplies
Vitamins, adult, prenatal & child (no gummy's)
Perscription drugs, Dr. Samples
Tylenol, Advil
Over the counter meds
Microscope, Otoscope
Eye glasses
Bar Soap, chlorox
toothbrushes, toothpaste
laundry detergent-powdered
Powdered gator aid
Powdered Milk
Dry Beans and rice